09.01.01 Introduction

Bill Heinrich  -  Jan 06, 2016  -  Comments Off on 09.01.01 Introduction

09.01.01 Introduction  

Until this time, the leading Pharisees were extremely anxious about Jesus because He obviously did not fit into their preconceived ideas of a political-messiah. He frequently challenged their theological and doctrinal arguments which they constantly lost and made them to look foolish to bystanders. If the trend continued, they knew it would be only a matter of time until their honor, social status, and affluent lifestyle would be lost.  They probably wondered if He planned to take over one of their positions in the synagogues and temple.  Furthermore, since He performed so many miracles, He had immense popularity and obviously the power to do whatever He wanted to do. Therefore, they observed every move He made to determine how they could best eliminate Him.

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