02.02.04 Bible

02.02.04 Bible

Bill Heinrich  -  Jan 18, 2016  -  Comments Off on 02.02.04 Bible

02.02.04 Bible. The name was derived from the Greek word biblia meaning book. The earliest biblia consisted of papyrus sheets fastened together and rolled around a wooden rod, or two wooden rods, to form a scroll.[1]  By the second century A.D., sheets were sewn together (see 02.02.05.A) to form the modern concept of a book.  The earliest use of ta biblia (“the books”), is from the mid-second century A.D. church father, Clement.  In 2 Clement 14:2, he said, “The books and the apostles declare that the church … has existed from the beginning.”[2]

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02.02.04.V The Amazing Bible. Dr. David Cook highlights the amazing features of the Bible – God’s love story of humanity. (19:53)  Click here if Internet service is available.


Today, Bibles have the convenience of chapter and verse divisions. Most historical sources credit Stephen Langton (1150-1228) for placing chapter divisions in the Vulgate Bible in the year 1228. Then, in 1240, Hugh De St. Cher introduced verses in the Hebrew Bible. But it wasn’t for another three centuries, in 1551, that Robert Stephen put verses divisions in the Green New Testament.[3] Finally, it is not within the scope of this study to focus on major theological issues, it this writer clearly states that the Bible alone is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God,[4] and in today’s culture it must be emphasized that it is also historically accurate.[5]


[1]. Cosby, Interpreting Biblical Literature. 86.     


[2]. Bruce, “Bible,” 1:193.


[3]. Heysham, The Birth of the Bible 10.

[4]. For further study on one of the finest declarations in this subject, see the 1978 “Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy” at http://www.bible-researcher.com/chicago1.html Retrieved October 26, 2015. See also Can I Trust the Bible? By Darrell Bock; published by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, 2000.


[5]. There are fifty biblical names whose existence has been verified by archaeological studies in a published article by Lawrence Mykytiuk titled, “Archaeology Confirms 50 Real People in the Bible.” Biblical Archaeology Review. March/April, 2014 (40:2), pages 42-50, 68 (see 03.02.01.A below).  This archaeological evidence confirms the historical accuracy of the biblical timeline.  For further study see the website for Associates for Biblical Research, as well as Grisanti, “Recent Archaeological Discoveries that Lend Credence to the Historicity of the Scriptures.” 475-98.


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