Mysteries Of the Messiah – Cover

Mysteries of the Messiah – Cover

Mike Kleinhans  -  Dec 08, 2015  -  Comments Off on Mysteries of the Messiah – Cover


Single Volume Edition

Updated November 26, 2015

Bringing understanding of the life of Jesus with this easy-to-use Comprehensive Resource on the Historical, Cultural, and Jewish Issues that Shaped His Ministry Environment


William H. Heinrich




Heinrich, William H., 1947-

Mysteries of the Messiah / by William H. Heinrich


Published by

Evidence of Truth Ministries, Inc.

P O Box 1 Witmer, PA 17585-0001 United States


Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:

  1. First Century Judaism                               2. Biblical History
  2. Roman History                                     4. Theology
  3. Hermeneutics and Apologetics               6. Ancient Middle East Cultural Studies
  4. Biographical references


© 1997 – 2015 by William H. Heinrich. All Rights Reserved


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced for commercial purposes without the prior permission of the publisher, except as follows: Individuals may copy and paste a section or download the entire eBook for the purpose of private study, research, or for classroom use. Appropriate credit (title of this website/eBook and author’s name) must be given. Any fees charged must be limited to paper and ink and additional fees shall be considered an infringement of international copyright.


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This site may contain copyrighted materials, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the original copyright owners. We are making their material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democratic, and social justice issues, etc. of the subject matter. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. While every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and seek permission to use illustrative material, the author and publisher apologize for any inadvertent errors or omissions and would be glad to rectify these in future editions.

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Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, a/k/a HCSB®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. HCSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.


If you have found Mysteries of the Messiah helpful, kindly pass it on to your pastor, missionaries, and students of biblical studies. Prayerfully consider a donation so others will benefit from this work. Thank you.

Welcome to Mysteries of the Messiah website/eBook where you will gain a deeper understanding of the Jewish, cultural, and political issues that shaped the ministry environment of Jesus. This document is the culmination of 18 years and thousands of hours of research and writing, to help you attain a deeper understanding of the words and work of our Messiah. Furthermore, this site will be continually updated as additional information is obtained. The single volume edition of this website/eBook contains –


  1. More than 40 video links of mini-lectures by leading scholars[1]
  2. More than 900 words and phrases explained
  3. Hebraic style of poetry restored in appropriate passages
  4. More than 100 “biblical difficulties” and hard sayings carefully explained
  5. More than 150 questions are answered concerning issues of the culture, Judaism,and the political environment, including some that students may have overlooked.
  1. ALL Biblical passages appear in bold red font
  2. More than 500 ancient extra-biblical quotations appear in bold blue font that provides insight into the religious, cultural and political environment of Jesus.
  3. A 20+ page index of extra-biblical quotations and inscriptions.
  4.  More than 250 photographs, many of which were taken by the author
  5. Nearly 100 maps and illustrations
  6. More than 2,700 single-spaced pages
  7. More than 30 appendices
  8. More than 6,200 footnotes, many with multiple references
  9. More than 750,000 words in the entire manuscript
  10. More than 500 listings on 65 pages in “Works Cited”
  11. Seven Tables of Content in 77 pages with more than 1,500 hyperlinked titles
  12. More than 12 “A Lesson in First Century Hermeneutics” explanations
  13. More than 300 Mystery Unveiled blue boxes with thought-provoking insights
  14. One Hundred sermon outlines with themes and sub-themes focused on the gospels.


This eBook was written for a broad audience, but especially for pastors and students who may have limited English skills, and for you as well. You will receive an excellent Western seminary-level education on the life and times of Jesus – of Jesus in His cultural context. It is my hope that as you study, your knowledge and faith will grow in our King of kings and Lord of lords.


– Rev. Dr. William H. “Bill” Heinrich

[1]. Downloading Mysteries of the Messiah will not include the videos. Readers must have access to the Internet to connect to all videos. Hopefully, by early 2016 all videos will be completed and linked to this eBook.

  • Chapters